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Fees: $1400.00 flat rate to draft an Agreement

$450.00 to provide independent legal advice on an Agreement drafted by another lawyer

$1,200 flat rate for collaborative drafting of a Prenup/Cohab Agreement

Separation Agreements

A separation agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a separation or divorce. It is a written contract that details the division of assets, debts, and other property, as well as any agreements regarding spousal support, decision-making for children, and parenting time.

A separation agreement is appropriate when a couple has decided to end their marriage or domestic partnership but wants to do so in an amicable manner. It can be used to avoid the time, expense, and stress of litigation, and allows the parties to negotiate the terms of their separation.

A separation agreement can be beneficial for couples who have shared assets, such as a house, investments, and retirement accounts, and want to ensure a fair division of those assets. It can also help establish clear expectations regarding matters related to their children, and spousal support, which can help to avoid future conflicts.

It is recommended that individuals seeking a separation agreement seek legal counsel to ensure that the document is legally binding and includes all necessary provisions to protect their rights and interests.

Prenup/Cohab Agreements

A prenuptial agreement, also known as a prenup, is a legal contract between two people who are planning to marry. The agreement outlines how assets and liabilities will be divided in the event of a divorce, separation or death. It can also address other issues, such as spousal support, inheritances, and the division of property.

A cohabitation agreement is a similar legal contract for couples who are living together but are not married. It outlines the terms and conditions of the couple’s relationship, including the division of assets, debts, and other property, as well as any agreements regarding financial support and childcare.

Both prenuptial and cohabitation agreements can be appropriate for individuals who have significant assets, debts, or property and want to protect their financial interests in the event of a separation or divorce. They may also be beneficial for couples who have children from previous relationships or who want to ensure that their respective families’ inheritances are protected.

Additionally, prenuptial and cohabitation agreements can provide peace of mind and help to avoid future conflicts by establishing clear expectations and guidelines for the relationship.

It is recommended that individuals seeking a prenuptial or cohabitation agreement seek legal counsel to ensure that the document is legally binding and includes all necessary provisions to protect their rights and interests.

Contact us for a free consultation to determine if an Agreement is right for you.

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